5 Blog Tips to Connect with Future Real Estate Clients

Woman at laptop computer gazing out a window

It's no secret that trust is an essential factor in the real estate industry. Clients rely on you to guide them through buying, selling, or renting a property, and it's your job to provide them with accurate and reliable information, act in their best interests, and build a lasting relationship.

This isn’t any transaction. It’s potentially the biggest transaction of a person’s life. Preparing to start that process takes significant time and consideration. Building trust with future clients will help them gain confidence in you and your services.

Your future clients aren’t ready to commit. They ARE ready to connect.

Blogging is an effective way to create connections and build trust with future clients. Creating informative, engaging, and relevant content can showcase your expertise, provide value to your readers, and establish you as a trusted advisor.

Don’t just start writing. Blog with intention, so you connect with your readers on their level. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Be generous with your knowledge.

    Your blog should be a resource for your clients, providing them with information and insights that they can use to make informed decisions about their real estate needs.

    Focus on relevant topics for your clients, such as the latest market trends, tips for buying or selling a property, or advice on home improvement projects.

    Being informative and helpful is always a solid marketing strategy.

    Read more about how to share your knowledge.

  2. Be transparent and honest.

    Trust is built on transparency and honesty, so being upfront and candid with your clients is essential. Feel free to share your own experiences, successes, and challenges, to demonstrate that you're a real person who understands the realities of the industry.


    (I say this a lot. It can be annoying.)

    Read More about how to be transparent in blogging.

  3. Be responsive and engaging.

    Blogging is a two-way street, so engage with your clients by responding to their comments and questions. Show them you listen to their needs and concerns and are always available to help.

    Read more about the art of being a responsive real estate blogger.

  4. Be consistent

    Consistency is vital to building trust, so publish new blog posts regularly. Regularly updating your blog with information tailored to their interests and concerns will show them you're committed to consistently providing valuable information and insights.

    Read more how to be a consistent blogger.

  5. Be a relationship builder.

    Don’t make blogging a sales pitch. Yes, include a Call To Action (see the bottom of this post for my CTA!) in every post in case your reader is ready to connect, but know most readers are not there yet.

    Be generous with your knowledge and detailed about your approach to real estate buying, selling, and investing. Build a relationship with your reader so it’s YOU they call when they’re ready to take the next step.

    Read more about using your blog to build relationships.

Femaile realtor typing on a laptop in her home office

Make blogging part of your marketing routine.

A blog will build trust with your readers and establish you as a reliable and knowledgeable real estate resource in your local area. Trust the process and use these tips to supercharge your online relationships so they will evolve into in-person client relationships.

In the coming weeks, I’ll expand on each of these tips so you can develop a plan to provide readers with consistent and valuable content to keep them coming back for more.


Are you ready for a website that builds a genuine connection with your ideal clients? I can help.

Angie Allen

I plan and build websites for real estate agents, interior designers, and home industry professionals.


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