Real Estate Blog Tip: Be Generous with Your Knowledge

Last week I shared five blog strategies for realtors looking to connect with future clients. This week I’m deep diving into the first tip: BE GENEROUS. It’s a philosophy you can apply to any blog post you write, no matter the subject.

As a real estate agent, you have a wealth of knowledge and expertise you use to help your current clients have smooth real estate transactions. But did you know you can use that information in your blog to connect with readers you’ve never met?

Here are five different ways to attract future clients simply by being informative and helpful:

Educate your audience on the local housing market.

You know educating readers about the local real estate market is a must. But I’m not just talking about numbers. Instead, share your insights and analysis. For example, if the market is experiencing a surge in home prices, you can advise readers it's an excellent time to sell because demand is high. If there's a decline in home prices, you can help them understand the reasons behind the fall and how best to manage their expectations.

Imagine a local couple following your blog considering buying their first home. They want to know what neighborhoods fit their lifestyle and budget. When you share detailed information on popular areas, including property values, shops, restaurants, events, and school ratings, they can use that information to guide their search.

✦ Blog Post Idea ✦

Write a Q&A post ➤ Feature a family who has lived in a popular neighborhood for several years and is happy growing roots there. What do they love about the area? What was a happy surprise? What do they do for fun? How do they get to work?

Adding a personal story to market analysis can help readers see themselves living in a neighborhood. This can balance out traditionally data-heavy posts and make them more engaging.

Share tips and advice for buyers and sellers.

Sharing tips and advice on your blog is a helpful way to educate your audience and give actionable ways to make the buying or selling process smooth. For example, you could advise readers on how to stage their home to make it attractive to potential buyers, price it competitively in the current market, and manage expectations when negotiating with another realtor.

✦ Blog Post Idea ✦

Write a how-to post ➤ Imagine a reader who wants to downsize after becoming an empty nester. Write a post with advice you would give them, knowing they recently had teenagers living in the home. From decluttering the garage to painting scuffed baseboards and fixing a broken closet door, you can teach them to list small tasks to complete before they list their home.

By sharing tips that create positive outcomes, you can build trust and establish yourself as a local expert, leading to more referrals and repeat business.

Discuss local news and events that affect the real estate market.

Stay informed about local news and events that impact housing prices, access to jobs and education, and investment opportunities. Share this information on your blog to help your audience understand how the latest news will affect their buying or selling decisions.

✦ Blog Post Ideas ✦

Write a post about an infrastructure project in your area ➤ Say a new highway is being built to connect a nearby city. Write about this development and give some insight into how it may impact the local housing market for better or worse.

Not all news and event posts need to be real estate related. For example, highlight a local school’s nationally-ranked Science Bowl team or an anticipated art installation. Social, educational, or cultural can make the area alluring to buyers and profitable for sellers, making them worthy of a blog post.

Sharing the latest news from your region is a great way to endear yourself to your local readers and pique the interest of those looking to move to the area.

Provide resources for homebuyers and sellers.

Offering useful resources, such as checklists, templates, or guides, can help your audience stay organized and informed, making their lives less stressful. These free resources are called lead magnets or freebies. They are typically downloadable files offered in exchange for a reader's email address.

A homebuyer may feel overwhelmed after going to an open house. Provide a House Hunting Checklist to keep track of each property they look at and make it easier for them to weigh their options after they leave. Canva offers simple checklists you can easily modify with your brand logo, colors, and text.

✦ Blog Post Idea ✦

Write a post with a lead magnet ➤ Write about pricing trends in a neighborhood highly sought after by renters. Include a free PDF download with information about turning your starter home into an investment property.

When you create a lead magnet, you give your website visitors a valuable free item in return for their contact details. This can help capture the email address of a potential client interested in your services while giving your readers exclusive information.

Highlight your success stories and industry know-how.

Sharing personal stories of how you've helped clients can be a powerful way to showcase your expertise and the value you bring. And it's a great way to connect with potential clients and build trust.

✦ Blog Post Idea ✦

Write a success story post ➤ Tell a story about a client you worked with who tried to sell their home for months without success. Explain how you used your local market knowledge, marketing skills, and negotiating power to sell their home within a few weeks of taking over the listing. Include testimonials and photos from your happy clients.

Illustrate your successes through storytelling to keep readers interested and show them how you can help them achieve their real estate goals too.

By highlighting your success stories and know-how, you can position yourself as a trusted expert who can help your readers with whatever real estate challenges they may face. So, start sharing those success stories and let potential clients see how awesome you are!

Being generous with your knowledge is a great marketing strategy.

Ultimately, being generous with your knowledge and expertise through blog posts is a powerful way to establish yourself as a go-to resource for potential clients in your area.

By educating your audience on the local housing market, sharing tips and advice, discussing local news, providing resources, and highlighting success stories, you can build a loyal following and attract new clients to grow your business.


Are you ready for a website that builds a genuine connection with your ideal clients? I can help.

Angie Allen

I plan and build websites for real estate agents, interior designers, and home industry professionals.

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